Organs are crucial elements in our body and are the things that keep the body running. The brain is in control of sending messages and telling the rest of the body what to do and when the body is misaligned, these messages cannot always get through or may become altered. The body is intricately connected and when one part isn’t working properly, others can’t either.
When it comes to organ dysfunction, every system has a specific pattern and common list of symptoms that arise. For example, if your stomach is dysfunctioning your early symptoms may include heartburn, acid reflux, and eventually ulcers if the condition is left untreated. Whereas colon problems may present with constipation, diarrhea, or IBS symptoms. No matter what organ it is, the symptoms are a surefire sign that something is wrong and needs attention right away. Knowing these symptoms can help to find the root cause of the issue rather than undergoing treatment for only the symptoms. While adjusting the spine is very beneficial for the body, often other areas are in need of adjustment as well when there are organs involved. Dr. Young is able to recognize and treat a vast number of conditions and types of organ dysfunction.